UA + Retargeting, A Match Made in Mobile Marketing Heaven

UA + Retargeting, A Match Made in Mobile Marketing Heaven

Many DSPs (Demand-Side Platforms) specialize in either UA (User Acquisition) or RT (Retargeting) technologies but not both. Running UA and RT campaigns in isolation can lead to misattribution, redundancies, and therefore a wasted spend. Bigabid advocates running UA+RT in harmony, and here are five reasons why!

5 Reasons Why User Acquisition + Retargeting is a Winning Combination

1) Your Competitors

 It’s essential to re-engage your Highest LTV Users from your UA (User Acquisition) campaigns as they are likely already being retargeted by your competitors. Say you already have a great UA campaign going with a healthy ROAS and have created a substantial audience of High LTV Users. The last thing you want to do is lose them to your competitor’s retargeting campaign. 

By having your own retargeting efforts in addition to UA, you will keep your best users engaged, and your competitors can fish in someone else’s pond.

ua retargeting

Read more about Targeting High LTV Users!

2) Cost-Effectiveness

 Put simply, retargeting a user to keep them in your ecosystem is way more cost-effective than acquiring or retargeting a user from another ecosystem. Spending $10 a week to retarget a High LTV User that spends $100 a week is worth it! 

Keeping your fish in your pond is always a better spend than restocking them from another pond.

Discover more about The 4 Pillars for Successful Retargeting.

3) Timing

A common misconception is that clients shouldn’t run retargeting at the beginning of their UA (User Acquisition) campaigns so they can avoid targeting newly acquired users as they were most likely to convert organically. This is only partly true if retargeting is done without a method. The fact is when User Acquisition is supported by a carefully thought out retargeting strategy from the start, one to increase immediate engagement and keep users actively engaged for longer, the overall success of both campaigns is increased. 

Essentially, if you started net fishing (User Acquisition), but want to ensure you catch the biggest fish, adding spearfishing in the beginning (Retargeting) is the way to go.

4)  Scale

If you keep scaling UA (User Acquisition) without Retargeting efforts, you won’t be able to grow linear or exponentially because there is more churn. Of course, if you run both UA (User Acquisition) and RT (Retargeting), there will still be some churn, but running both will significantly reduce the pace. Essentially, reducing the churn of high LTV users helps you generate more money than you can put back into your UA and RT campaigns to scale.

It’s never too early to start retargeting. As the scale changes, the bigger and the more eligible the users become. Basically, as your pond grows bigger, to keep your fish population going and healthy, you should continue to save the ones that try to jump out.

Check out our scaling success in our case study – SciPlay Achieves a 227% Incremental ROI!

5) Data Sharing

The knowledge you gain from the data sharing between UA (User Acquisition) and Retargeting campaigns is symbiotic. Relevant data received during a UA (User Acquisition) campaign will be helpful in your Retargeting Campaign and visa versa. Retargeting is one of the best tools to learn what your best users are like. By A/B testing your audience, you learn what your best High LTV Users need to keep them around. 

Basically, you are learning exactly what kind of whales swim in your pond, and with the right second-generation DSP, those lessons can and will help optimize both of your campaigns in ways unachievable by running campaigns in isolation.  

Learn more about Second-Generation DSPs. 


Unlike most other DSPs (Demand-Side Platforms), Bigabid is very synced when it comes to running UA (User Acquisition) and Retargeting campaigns. We have our highest-level managers overseeing both to ensure our teams and ML technologies work symbiotically to optimize both campaigns in harmony. Time and time again, we see optimal results with a better overall ROAS when we combine efforts. If you’re interested in getting the same results with your campaigns or have any questions, please get in touch

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