© Bigabid
A Call for Modern Performance Marketing

The transition of advertising into the digital world took us from a time of Tinseltown and Madison Avenue to the world of Silicon Valley and technology disruptions. 

Why are some marketers lagging behind with outdated methodologies while others are outperforming with enhanced programmatic user acquisition and engagement campaigns?

Advertising has a major role in every mobile app company’s P&L. Such big-budget items must be managed wisely and carefully. Times have changed, and as you can see in the Ad evolution chart by Visual Capitalist, old media is in constant decline while digital media skyrockets. Using the plethora of cutting-edge user acquisition, retention, and retargeting technologies the digital world has to offer is essential.

Read the rest of Mike Vorhaus’s insightful article by clicking the LinkedIn link below. For more information on Bigabid’s innovative user acquisition technologies read Targeting High LTV Users.

Results based advertising starts here.

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